Did you know that…

…if you search online for “how to invest” or “how to open a brokerage account”, you will see almost 7 billion results. Yes, that’s right, a stunning 7 billion articles, videos and forum posts that showcase the bare minimum of information and then send novice investors on their way to “succeed” (or not) in the financial markets.

After all this “wisdom” on the net, a Dalbar report confirmed that in the 20 years ending in 2018, the average investor generated an annualized return of just 1.9%. Comparatively, the S&P 500 showed an average annualized return of 5.6% over that period. How is it possible that “Average Joe” does so badly?

Quantity is not quality! The average investor and newcomer should use an experienced tutor who guides him save and sound through these sometimes stormy markets. What’s better than having a captain with more than 40 years of experience on board, who navigates you and weathers the storms? Learn the ropes from an expert who has seen it all, who will guide and supervise you to success.

For more info, just contact me. Click here.

Sven Franssen