Fear is unhealthy and does not help at all

Fear is not very helpful in modern society. It is unhealthy to live in chronic fear and psychologically, fear makes us irrational and easily manipulated by authority figures.
So, why are governments and media trying to scare the people?
The vast majority of people who contract COVID-19 have none or mild symptoms and will recover very quickly. Certain populations are vulnerable, but unfortunately this is the case with all diseases.

The September 2021 poll by Rasmussen Reports demonstrates the effect that fear-based messaging has had on the public. The result: the public thinks COVID is far more dangerous than it actually is. This is the effect of sustained fear propaganda on a population.

We should focus on doing what we can to protect vulnerable, especially elderly people in nursing homes and hospitals. We should not be locking down society and mandating medical interventions. We know, lockdowns don’t work, as the Brownstone Institute has clearly confirmed. Isolation can also harm the immune system, due to both psychological and immune issues. If our immune system is rarely exposed to common pathogens, it may actually harm our long-term immune function. At the end, we are social creatures, physiologically and psychologically. Without human interaction and touch, we simply cannot thrive.

It all feeds our society-wide fear problem. And therefore, we must quickly move out of this fear paradigm and into a new one. One of the best ways to exit the fear paradigm is to do everything you can to improve your own health and situation. Try to eat healthy, mostly organic food. Use water filtration system that removes chlorine, fluoride, and other junk. Take a long walk every day and try to get some sun. Take vitamin D, zinc, magnesium and lots of probiotics and avoid sugary and processed foods whenever possible and steer clear of all seed oils, such as soy, canola, cottonseed, etc.

Personal empowerment and responsibility is the way out of this crisis.

Here are the main points of a fascinating article “The Effects of Chronic Fear on a Person’s Health” by Jaime Rosenberg. It just points out clearly what fear does do to your mind and body:

1. Alarm
The first reaction to stress recognizes there’s a danger and prepares to deal with the threat. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and autonomic nervous system are activated. Primary stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and non-adrenaline are released

2. Resistance
Homeostasis begins restoring balance and a period of recovery for repair and renewal takes place. Stress hormones may return to normal, but there may be reduced defences and adaptive energy left.

3. Exhaustion:
At this phase, the stress has continued for some time. The body’s ability to resist is lost because its adaption energy supply is gone. This is often referred to as overload, burnout, adrenal fatigue, maladaptation, or dysfunction.

The toll that this process can take on a human body:

1. Immune system dysfunction
2. Endocrine system dysfunction
3. Autonomic nervous system alterations
4. Sleep/wake cycle disruption
5. Eating disorders
6. Alterations in hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis

Sven Franssen