The Central Bank Digital Currencies are an attack on our freedom!

On Oct. 8, PayPal released an update to its user agreement that included a clause allowing PayPal to fine its users $2,500 for using the service to spread misinformation. PayPal quickly retracted the update and said the misinformation clause had been included in error, however this just shows what is coming when Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) are introduced: Surveillance of all and take our money for holding the wrong views.

China is the pioneer of CBDC and has already shown the world that it can control the whole population this way. PayPal was designated to be the test case. Management at PayPal considers misinformation to be anything they disagree with even if facts and science are on your side.

Just as an example, here are some facts related to COVID:

1. The COVID vaccines are not real vaccines but experimental gene-modification therapies that do not stop you from getting infected and do not stop the spread if you do get infected.

2.Masks don’t work because the SARS-CoV-2 virus is only 1/5000th the size of the weave. The virus goes right through the mask.

Now, if you mention them, PayPal can treat them as misinformation and according to their new terms can fine you up to $2,500! PayPal’s terms of service show that providing “false, inaccurate or misleading information” is still on the list of prohibitions in their Terms of Service. Not only does PayPal threaten free speech, but they also lie about the threat when challenged. If even PayPal can punish its users for speaking their minds, then surely governments can do this, too and even more effectively. PayPal just did a test run of a new system of financial surveillance that could be introduced by CBDC. Like in China every single aspect of your life could be controlled. Because the government controls your money.

Governments could implement a social credit rating. Say the “wrong” thing, buy the “wrong” thing or subscribe to the “wrong” news channel or donate money to the wrong party or organisation and your social credit rating drops and your money could be frozen or disappearing from your account.

Government will be able to force you to comply with its agenda because they’ll be able to track and record every purchase you make. And if you do not agree with their programme, they could fine you or fully confiscate your money. It will be much easier than freezing a bank account because the digital tokens are programmed at source.

This is a real attack on our freedom. It started already. But something has to be done.

Sven Franssen