Why holding back from investing?

Anyone can be an investor with the right tools and everyone should be investing. Otherwise, it is a lost opportunity. You won’t win every time, but “you’ll never win it when you are not in it.”

According to a survey by Bankrate, respondents gave the following reasons they don’t invest:

53% don’t have the money – Start to save 20 bucks a month and try to increase over the time. If you live above your means make a financial plan and start cut some expenses.

21% don’t know about stocks – You are reading this, so you are already on the right path. It only takes a few steps to become financial literate. Like learning a language you could also take advantage of my personal tutoring/coaching.

9% don’t trust stockbroker – you do not need a stockbroker anymore. You cna simply download an app and invest for free from your laptop or smartphone.

7% believe stocks are too risky – You do not have to invest only in stocks, even they are one of the best investments available. In fact, you should make a proper asset allocation and diversify your portfolio, not just in stocks but along many different asset classes.

2% are afraid of high fees – You can join a no-fee trading platform, like Robinhood among many others.

99% of what’s holding somebody back from investing is that this person thinks he/she just can’t do it. But there are ways to combat this feeling. Find a mentor! I am offering private tutoring and coaching classes who could accompany on this journey. We make a plan, create your own investment philosophies, make a proper asset allocation, set your own rules and diversify your portfolio.
Know you’re not alone: Most people are afraid to try new things especially when it comes to their money. But you’ll never benefit from the power of investing unless you try. There are plenty of resources and I could be one of them to learn along the way.
Don’t hold yourself back from success and throw your excuses for not investing over board. Start growing your wealth today!

Sven Franssen