Get your 3 priorities right!

Priorities determine your investment success. When it comes to money and investing, people have 3 fundamental choices:
1. Security
2. Comfort
3. Wealth

All 3 choices are important, but to become wealthy the decisive factor is how you prioritized these choices.
Most people prefer the order above. Their first priority is security, followed by comfort, and finally to be rich. This is why most people make job security their priority, thereafter they focus on comfort and finally being wealthy.

The important point is to understand that people who are very successful, are willing to feel insecure and uncomfortable to achieve that success and hey are happy to make the sacrifices and take the risks needed.
Security and comfort are the main drivers in most people’s lives. People believe that security and comfort will make them happy, but what about all the employees that feel miserable, even though they don’t have an immediate risk of losing their job? Money can in fact enable happiness much more effectively than security and comfort because building wealth creates much more security and comfort than a life without it.
The truth is that money isn’t everything, but it does help us to do things we love. It’s not money that brings happiness, but rather it’s the things that money allows you to do that does.

Very successful people have different priorities in life than most people:
1. To be rich
2. Comfort
3. Security

To be rich, comfortable, and secure are personal and all very important core values. But it’s important to know which core values are most important to you because he priority order will have a significant long-term impact upon the kind of life you live.

Sven Franssen