How to achieve your goals in 2021?

January is the month when people usually set their targets and/or resolutions for the new year. It is the time to establish goals, identify bad habits and create new routines. It is easy to set goals, but much harder to actually follow through on them.

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Scranton found that 23% of people quit working on their resolution just two weeks into the new year. Additionally, only 19% stuck to their goals in the longer-term. You might wonder if it is even worth it to set goals in the first place. But don’t be discouraged. Setting goals does make a difference.

According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, those who set New Year’s resolutions are 10 times more likely to actually change their behaviour than people who don’t make these yearly goals. Some common goals revolve around diet, weight loss, exercise, finances, drinking, smoking and relationships. Setting the goal is the first step in achieving the goal. Focus on things you can do to actually stick to your goal and become part of the 19% of people who were able to successfully follow their resolutions.

But how?

1. Be specific
Pick tangible and concrete goal that you can work toward. E.g. if you “want to get healthier” you need attainable goals that allow you to actually track your progress. Focus on a goal of “going to the gym 3 times a week” or “only having dessert twice a week.” These are specific and realistic goals that you can track, and they will ultimately help you attain a more general goal of “being healthy.”

2. Limit your resolutions
Pick one resolution and focus your energy on it. It can be easy to make a list of resolutions or goals, but taking on too much at once can be daunting and discouraging. Focusing on just one at a time is more likely to lead to long-term success. Achieving small goals also helps to boost your self esteem and will ultimately make tackling larger goals easier.

3. Make a plan
Once you have settled on one, specific goal you need to make a detailed plan to achieve that goal. Brainstorming first, how you will tackle a major behaviour change, including the steps you will take, why you want to do it, and ways you can keep yourself on track. Planning is critical to success because it will allow you to consider tactics to deal with challenges that may arise. E.g. if your goal is to go to the gym 3 times a week, what will you do if you have missed 4 days in a row? Or how will you account for time off related to illness or injury?
Start by writing down your goals and potential obstacles so you will have a guideline to help you stick to your resolutions and overcome any obstacle that is in your way.

4. Small steps
Be specific and realistic with your goals, but it is important to focus on small steps towards a larger goal. Taking on too much too quickly is one of the main reasons resolutions fail so quick. Starting an unsustainably restrictive diet, overdoing it at the gym, or radically altering your normal habits are easy ways to derail your plans. Small, incremental changes make it so much easier to stick to your habits and achieve long-term success.

5. Don’t make the same mistakes
If you are repeating a goal, make sure you spend time evaluating why you were unable to reach the goal in the past. Review your past strategies and determine what was the most and least effective. Alter your resolution to make it more feasible and/or make it more specific. Re-write your plan of action to keep yourself accountable.

6. Change takes time
The habits you are trying to change probably took years to develop. So it will likely take some time to reverse bad habits. Be patient with yourself and understand that working toward your goals is a longer-term process, and mistakes will be done on this long journey. Always remember that it is not a quick sprint to a finish, but rather a slower marathon and commitment to change behaviour in the long-term.

7. Find Support
It’s so much easier to stay committed to your goals when you have support. Someone to help keeping you accountable and motivated makes a difference to sticking to your goals. Find a like-minded family member or friend that shares your goals. You can hold each other responsible for following through on your plans.

Sven Franssen