Boost your odds to become a cenetarian

The average life expectancy in industrial and developing countries for those born in 2017 is 82 years for females and 76 years for males. 53% of wealthy investors around the world expect to live at least 100 years, and they’re adjusting their financial holdings and estate plans accordingly.
The results varied among locations:
In Germany, 76% expected to become centenarians. In Asia, about 50% thought they would reach that age. And in the U.S., only 30% were that confident, although 49% want to live to at least 100. Why such a dire outlook from Americans?
One of the main reasons people gave is that no one in their family lived that long. But even if you don’t have the greatest genes, all is not lost. You still have a chance of joining the exclusive Centenarian Club. Only 20% of our life expectancy is dictated by our genes. The other 80% is based on our lifestyle.
So to boost your odds, here are a few things you can do…

1. Quit Damaging Your Cells
The worse you treat your body, the greater the damage. Imagine what eating unhealthy meals day after day does to your body.
Most nutritional experts recommend choosing fish over other types of meat. Loading up on fruits, veggies, and whole grains. They also recommend big doses of omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids found in things like olive oil and nuts. Of course, how much you eat is just as important (or even more important) than what you eat. Using smaller plates will help you cut down on the number of calories consumed.

2- Make Your Day Better
Exercise is important. But it doesn’t have to be going to the gym or running marathons. why not using the 10,000-steps-a-day routine as the ultimate workout plan. Make your workout something you enjoy. Or how about planting a garden? Think of the exercise you’ll get. Take a little time to chill out. We all need time for ourselves. Find a quiet spot for meditating, praying, drawing, listening to music or doing something like yoga for at least 15 minutes each day.

3. Be Social
People with poor social connections have on average 50% higher odds of death than those with more robust social ties. Have enough friends. Good friends are good for your health. older adults with a rich social life are likely to live longer than their peers with fewer connections.
Adults with strong social support have a reduced risk of many health problems, including depression, high blood pressure, and an unhealthy body mass index (BMI). People with more social connections were less likely to develop a cold when exposed to the virus than more isolated participants.
Moreover, if you socialize with people who enjoy going for a long walk on the beach or a bike ride at the park instead of watching TV or going to happy hour each night, you’re more likely to follow those same habits.

4. Define Your Ikigai
The two most dangerous years in our lives are:
1. The year we are born because of the infant mortality rate of 5.82 deaths per 1,000 births.
2. The year we retire.
In America we work most of our lives looking forward to retirement. Then when that day comes, life changes. We may no longer feel needed. Research shows, retirees were 40% more likely to have a heart attack or stroke than those who were still working. The increase was more pronounced during the first year after retirement, and levelled off after that. Retirement was ranked 10th on the list of life’s most stressful events.
Of the wealthy investors who expect to live to 100, 77% said that working as long as possible was good for your health. The sentiment was particularly strong in Asia and Switzerland.

We can’t control our genes and there are no guarantees that any of us will get into the Centenarian Club. Yet by following the four guidelines, we can all at least have better enjoyment of the years we do have while giving ourselves a greater chance of more good years ahead.