You will find a helping hand at the end of your arm!

Don’t just give thanks for your blessings but be grateful for your problems, too. Facing your challenges makes you stronger, smarter, tougher and more valuable as a human being. Solving problems is what makes life worth living.
Adversity, when overcome, strengthens you. We are not giving thanks for the problem itself but for the strength and knowledge that will come from it.
You have the ability to shape our destiny. This starts with believing that you actually can. Worries, regrets and complaints solve and change nothing. They are not good for your health, social environment and quality of life.
Positive thinking is good but difficult situations are not resolved with positive thoughts only. It takes more: action!
You also have to accept that some problems are unsolvable, like the death of a loved one. Sometimes, only an attitude of acceptance moves you forward.
Most day-to-day problems are created by yourself. But you can also fix them! Lack of faith in yourself will limit or even stop you. Expect victory and you will get victory. Face your problems with courage, patience and equanimity.
It is not wrong to ask for help. Sometimes, you won’t succeed without it. But it’s much more satisfying when you solve our problems yourself. Working through setbacks makes us more sensitive to the problems of others. Look around and you’ll see plenty of good people with more troubles than you.
Opportunity often shows up disguised as hard work.
On occasion our problems are simply bigger than we are. But only few of them withstand optimism, persistence, hard work and the spirit of gratitude. The best way out is always through!

Sven Franssen