The pandemic is over but censorship not!

3 years of pandemic (2020-2022) also meant living through 3 years of lies. The U.S. government, especially the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), has been continuously lying to the people. They lied about the efficacy of the vaccines, which are not even true vaccines and don’t stop infection or spread the virus. They also lied about masks and lockdowns, which do not stop the spread because the best prophylaxis is still fresh air, sunshine, exercise, losing weight, and vitamin D. They lied about social distancing, because an airborne respiratory virus goes where it wants.

But the worst was that while lying about this all they forced individuals to take the mRNA vaccines at the risk of losing jobs, losing government contracts, or being discharged from the military. Children have suffered a lifetime learning setback due to unneeded school closures. All of these lies were aided and abetted by mainstream media and social media, which censored anyone who criticized the so called vaccines or the harmful treatments that were being put on the public.

Now the pandemic is behind us mainly due to herd immunity, the normal way how pandemics die out) and not because of the vaccines.But the lies are not behind us and still continue. Does that mean the lies are also behind us? Not at all! Just take as example ABC News.

A recent interview of presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was censored by ABC News when he discussed the COVID vaccines. Kennedy is the author of a 600-page expose of drug company wrongdoing and the cover-up of dangerous side effects of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines. He is a serious analyst with ample data from non-political sources in Israel, Sweden, and the Netherlands among other sources to back up his research. ABC’s censorship was unjust, but entirely in line with mainstream medias.

The pandemic is over, but the censorship is still continuing. ABC News has lost all credibility and network ratings are going down and down. The trust in the media is at an all-time low. No wonder!

Sven Franssen