Nobody wants to get rich slow

Warren Buffett’s investment thesis is so simple. He is one of the richest people and most successful investor`s in the world, and his strategy is so simple. So, why doesn’t everyone just copy him? Buffett’s simple answer is: “Because nobody wants to get rich slow.”
These are some of the most important words on investing that have ever been said. So if you truly want to get rich, listen to what the greatest investor has to say: “Don’t be in a hurry to get rich. Let time be your friend.”
Buffett wasn’t even a household name at age 50. He needed more time to let his wealth grow. It grew slowly at first but then skyrocketed into the billions.
If you really want to build wealth then let compound interest work in favour for you just like a snowball rolling down a hill. The snowball builds gradually, and the longer it rolls, the bigger it gets. No wonder the name of Buffett’s biography is “The Snowball”.
Don’t be like everyone else. Have the patience to get rich slowly, and chances are that you actually will. Maybe even sooner than you think.

Sven Franssen